“We can look to the example set by Albert Ojeda, who … grew up in a tough neighborhood in Phoenix, lost his father to violence, lost his mother to prison. But that didn’t stop him from pursuing an education … to become an honor student and the first member of his family to graduate from college.”

President Barack Obama


Spreading Roots

HSF has granted scholarships to over 50,000 students, a select group of high-achieving scholars who are role models for new generations of Hispanic American students. HSF is leveraging this talent pool by connecting scholars through the HSF Alumni Network, linking them with other academic, professional, and civic communities, giving them the opportunity to share their knowledge.

Alumni Resources. The Alumni section on the HSF website http://www.hsf.net/innercontent.aspx?id=92 includes a directory of thousands of HSF alumni, news about corporate fundraising partnerships, as well as a newsletter that’s published monthly with alumni profiles, career tips, and upcoming events. Our alumni play an active role in helping HSF support more students by directly contributing to our scholarship funds and by establishing fundraising partnerships with their employers.

Networking. HSF Alumni are part of a large network of leaders in organizations and communities across the nation. HSF also hosts many activities for alumni, including local “Meet and Greet” Receptions and organized volunteer opportunities.

Career Center. HSF Alumni can access our Career Center services at www.hsfcareercenter.net to find job and internship career opportunities. Job seekers can easily post and update résumés, and companies can post job descriptions for positions they are looking to fill. HSF works directly with employers to ensure jobs are filled with the most qualified candidates.